In the empty space of the black box, the children are greeted by a roadie, a concert technician whose job is to move crates of material. On the empty set, the technician tidies up, vacuums, not paying much attention to the kids who, it would appear, are not part of his schedule. The encounter is strange. Crates roll, then two other technicians appear, both as mysterious and gruff as the first. And then a ballet begins to the sound of electric guitars, the crates open, unfold, spitting out the material that will be used to build the scenery. The children are encouraged to participate, and a construction site is set in motion. Little by little, strange hairs start growing on the bodies and faces of the three roadies, and then the scenery itself is covered in softness until the final flourish…
Comédie de Colmar – CDN Grand Est Alsace – France
Duration : 40 mn
Any public from 3 years
With : Vladimir Barbera, Luca Fiorello & William Pelletier
Direction and writing: Alice Laloy
Assistant : Stéphanie Farison & Simon-Elie Galibert
Music : Csaba Palotai
Scenography : Jane Joyet
Construction : Benjamin Hautin
Costumes : Alice Laloy, Mélanie Loisy, Maya-Lune Thieblemont & Anne Yarmola, assisted by Sara Clédé & Solveig De Reydet
Prostheses and wigs : Maya-Lune Thieblemont
Dye : Ysabel de Maisonneuve, assisted by Lisa Morice
Lights : Jean-Yves Courcoux
Technical manager : Julien Joubert, alternating with Jean-Baptiste Leroux
Scenography with help of Vivan Guillermin, Quentin Tailly, Stéphane Uzan & Mathilde Apert, Lëa Assous, Justine Baron, Romane Bricard, Inès Forgues, Léonie Garcia Lamolla, Charisté Monseigny, Lisa Morice, Fatima Sharmin, Maëlle Ubaldi, Emma Valquin
Production : La Compagnie s’Appelle Reviens
Co-production : Comédie de l’Est-CDN de Colmar,TJP, Centre Dramatique National Strasbourg – Grand Est, Scène Nationale Le Tandem Douai-Arras, Houdremont-Scène conventionnée de la Courneuve, with the support of Conseil général de Seine-St-Denis, and the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) Grand Est, Région Grand Est and Théâtre La Licorne, Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil – CDN, City of Pantin & théâtre de la Coupe d’Or, and participation of Jeune Théâtre National.
WILD / HAIR / A POILS wants to approach the form of a scenographic-musical mirage. Three roadies hairy, tattooed and studded are the instigators.
Show available in english, upon request: gabrielle.dupas@sappellereviens.com